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41 years of excellence in eye care

13,793,792 Outpatients; 2,241,403 surgeries

Diktel Surgical Eye Camp 2009

Eastern Regional Eye Care Programme
Sagarmatha Choudhary Eye Hospital (SCEH), Lahan

Surgical Camp in Diktel, Khotang District 18th to 22nd April 2009

For generations blind people who are poor and live in remote un-served areas had nowhere to go. Their life expectancy was cut short. Many of these people were blind due to cataract. In order to serve these people in the remote Khotang hill district of Sagarmatha Zone, SCEH established a Primary Eye Care Centre (PECC) in the district hospital of Diktel in 2004. One Ophthalmic Assistant along with a trained local Eye Health Worker provides outpatient services to the patients through the PECC. SCEH conducts surgical eye camp in Diktel every year.

In 2009, the annual Surgical Eye Camp was organized from 18th to 22nd April. During these five days, Dr. Nishith Prakash, a senior ophthalmologist of SCEH, and a team of 3 SCEH staff & 2 PECC staff examined and treated 1,208 patients and performed 178 operations free of cost. Among these 128 were cataract surgeries using small incision cataract surgical technique (Fishhook Technique) with implantation of an intra ocular lens.

Patients were screened and treated. Operated patients stayed for one night, after which they were examined and discharged with instructions for postoperative care.

The camp was very much successful thanks to the good co-operation with the local community, the help from local NNJS, general hospital, youth clubs and social groups supplying volunteers. These volunteers assisted in organizing, locating and managing patients as well as other provisions such as food, shelter and bedding for patients before and after their operations.

Outcome of 128 Cataract surgeries:

Before surgery 118 eyes (86 %) were blind. At the time of discharge 86 patients (67 %) achieved uncorrected good vision of 6/18 and better with the operated eye.